La corsa a piedi è una brutta bestia…

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Ciao sono un ragazzo di 22 anni e le avevo gia scritto chiedendole come cambiare aspetto con lo sport. Volevo ringraziarla perche dopo un mese e mezzo di nuoto e corsa sto veramente bene. Ho raggiunto i 77Kg (prima ne pesavo 85). Mi sento molto meglio grazie allo sport e studio anche di più, e mi rendo conto di aver perso 2 anni della mia vita appresso al body building. Ora, però, è sorto un problema: ho una tendinite al ginocchio per averlo sforzato troppo correndo, e quindi devo stare a riposo per 20 giorni (me lo ha detto il fisiatra). Per questa ragione non posso correre e questa è una dura botta per il morale perchè correre cominciava a piacermi tantissimo, anche piu del nuoto. Volevo chiederle se potrei andare in bicicletta con la tendinite, e qualche consiglio per correre più “sicuro”. Inoltre, dato che ho scoperto di essere innammorato della corsa, che allenamento devo fare e che tempi per poter partecipare a qualche maratona. Mi rendo conto che sono molte domande, quindi, se ha tempo mi dia qualche consiglio, altrimenti fa niente. Mi ha gia aiutato molto, grazie.

La corsa è una brutta bestia… È la frase che ripeto a tutti coloro che cascano nel trappolone del running. La corsa è uno sport decisamente traumatico: chi lo vuole adottare come sport principale o peggio come unico sport deve fare bene i suoi conti se non vuole ritrovarsi ad avere a che fare con continui infortuni e, alla peggio, ad essere costretto a smettere anzitempo con le articolazioni a pezzi.

D’altro canto basta andare ad una gara di running e valutare quanti over 60 si contano ai nastri di partenza, contro quelli presenti (percentualmente) ad una gara di nuoto o di ciclismo.

Se vuoi diventare un runner da 60 km la settimana di allenamento (il minimo necessario per correre decentemente una maratona) devi seguire questi passi.

1- Ottimizzare il tuo peso: il tuo BMI dovrebbe essere al massimo pari a 22, meglio se qualcosa in meno. Prendi me: io peso 70-72 kg per 1,76 m di altezza, non mi sognerei mai lontanamente di correre per più di 12-15 km e di allenarmi più di 2 volte la settimana, pena l’aumento esponenziale di probabilità di infortunio. Se volessi correre una maratona (evento altamente improbabile) prima scenderei a 68 kg (come minimo).

2- Scoprire se il tuo fisico te lo consente: anche con il peso ottimizzato, la tua distanza critica (quella massima che ti è consentita prima di infortunarti) potrebbe essere ancora bassa, per motivi costituzionali (brutalmente, potresti non essere fisicamente portato per la corsa). Per farlo, la parola d’ordine è gradualità: inizi con le 10 km, poi passi alle mezze maratone, e poi se tutto va bene, dopo molti mesi (anni?) passi alla tua prima maratona, preparata come si deve.

3- Imparare a gestire il tuo fisico in modo ottimale: nella corsa esagerare in quantità o qualità è molto facile e se non sei in grado di capire quando è bene stare a riposo, quando hai tirato più del dovuto, quando quel doloretto non è normale ma è un inizio di infortunio, ecc. Questo si impara in anni di esperienza… E se nel corso di quegli anni le articolazioni si sono irrimediabilmente compromesse? Sono dolori…

C’è anche un’altra considerazione da fare: mi sembra che tu sia troppo coinvolto emotivamente dalla pratica dello sport. Devi sempre mettere in conto che per qualche motivo potresti non riuscire a praticare uno sport. Per non avere contraccolpi psicologici, devi non esserne schiavo, devi poterne fare a meno e questa occasione è ideale per imparare a farlo.

Altra considerazione: ti sei chiesto perché ami la corsa e non il nuoto o la bici? La corsa è lo sport più legato al cronometro (scarsissima componente tecnica che lo rende lo sport più “noioso” della triade), ma è anche quello dove il miglioramento della prestazione è più tangibile. Quindi, è lo sport che naturalmente appassiona di più chi fa sport per migliorarsi continuamente. Ecco che scatta il trappolone del running: sempre più km, sempre più forte, finché non ci si rompe… Psicologicamente (quando si raggiunge il massimo e non si migliora più) o fisicamente.

La pratica di diversi sport è strategica a mio parere nell’ottica dell’equilibrio perché da un lato evita di diventare “invasati” di un solo sport entrando nel vortice della passione sfrenata e della dipendenza che nel caso della corsa è terribile perché la probabilità di infortunio diventa quasi certezza; dall’altra consente di praticare diversi sport a rotazione limitando i sovraccarichi e consentendo di avere sempre un’alternativa valida.

Dal punto di vista psicologico, per esempio, il tuo desiderio di correre una maratona secondo me è negativo. Perché dovresti correre una maratona, visto che potenzialmente è un evento nefasto (infortuni, allenamenti infiniti e abbastanza noiosi che ti portano ad odiare la corsa, ecc)? Capisco bene la tua situazione perché è classica di chi si avvicina allo sport agonistico… C’è immediatamente la voglia di fare “l’impresa”, e siccome non si hanno le doti per eccellere veramente, si punta su imprese “estreme”, dove l’eccellenza è fittizia (correre una maratona sembra una impresa storica per moltissime persone, in realtà è una cosa che tutti possono fare se allenati).

L’unico modo per essere estremi se non si hanno particolari doti naturali è allungare le distanze. Proprio ieri ero in piscina con un triatleta che dopo soli 2 anni di gare ha fatto un ironman, strisciando fino al traguardo (non era allenato, è evidente). Parlavamo di gare di nuoto e cosa salta fuori? Che quest’anno vuole fare i 200 delfino (la gara più massacrante, per chi non ha un delfino economico cioè il 90% dei nuotatori), gara che aveva già fatto l’anno scorso. Volevo rispondergli: prima dovresti imparare a nuotare a delfino (5 minuti prima lo avevo visto nuotare e diciamo pure che faceva parte del 90% con un delfino spaccabraccia)… Ma forse non mi avrebbe rivolto più la parola, e ho desistito.

Amare lo sport significa amarlo in quanto tale, se sei troppo legato alla prestazione o all’impresa epica la tua motivazione è di cartapesta: in un’attimo può essere spazzata via e rimane il vuoto totale.

Quindi il mio consiglio è quello di stare fermo 20 giorni e di guarire completamente, al limite nuota (col pull buoy, non a rana e senza spingerti dal bordo con le gambe) ma non pedalare, e rifletti sul tuo rapporto con lo sport, che a mio parere deve ancora evolvere per darti una stabilità emotiva che ti consentirà di ottenere le massime soddisfazioni dalla pratica dell’attività fisica.


Il dottore che parla non lo condivido del tutto, anche perchè se io voglio fare sport per ottenere risultati e non per passione, SONO CAZZI MIEI, comunque condivido il fatto che nella corsa bisogna evitare di allenarsi troppo e soprattutto: FARE LUNGHE PAUSE STAGIONALI!  In caso contrario, l’accorciamento della vita sportiva è inevitabile!!   LA CORSA A PIEDI E’ UNO SPORT ALTAMENTE USURANTE, RICORDATEVELO!!


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2.000 commenti su “La corsa a piedi è una brutta bestia…

  1. Non concordo … io ho una passione per la corsa, per l’atletica non per lo sport in generale … odio la piscina e la bici mi annoia … corro da 22 anni con una media di 80km settimana [anche se per i primi 10anni la media si aggirava intorno ai 110] . Certo qualche infortunio c’è stato ma se grazie alla corsa posso cercare dei limiti e sognare perché dovrei accontentarmi di stare nel mezzo con i piedi ben piantati terra senza conoscere l’ebrezza di un volo entusiasmante? e se per quel volo ogni tanto rovino a terra … chi se ne frega!

  2. paoloisola il said:

    Sono parzialmente d’accordo con te! Dico parzialmente in quanto allenandosi molto intensamente, da un lato, si spingono i propri limiti verso l’alto, dall’altro, bisogna mettere in preventivo l’infortunio, anche quello permanente o comunque invalidante, per quanto concerne la corsa a piedi.
    Secondo me la cosa ideale è di allenarsi intensamente se c’è lo stimolo di allenarsi intensamente oltre che lo stimolo di ottenere risultati, però ogni tanto, fare qualche periodo di riposo, in quanto è meglio stare fermi un mese l’anno, piuttosto che tutta la vita o comunque subire qualche infortunio permanente che ci consente di allenarci pochi mesi l’anno, come ha subito il sottoscritto 17 anni fa (per mia fortuna mi piacciono anche altri sport, oltre ad altre cose, in caso contrario sarebbe stata una tragedia)

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  1777. pacifichottubsolutions. As this training requires a lot of money to invest, you need to choose the right one. we also offer a wide range of sinks, faucets, accessories, vanities and islands, as well as all touch up and repair services that usually accompany a remodeling project (drywall, painting, carpentry, tile). Short term memory lasts for 20 seconds. The Hillsborough County Florida area is also populated with a number of smaller communities, each with their own special blend of culture, housing opportunities, activities, and career choices. Your aptitude to the term paper as well as your enthusiasm and your eagerness with which you will research, depends on that.The moving companies these days have provision for everything. Although you really can’t expect to live an extravagant life through your surgical technician salary, the good news is that there is an extensive room for growth in this career.Personal development requires you to become more aware of the events in [url=][/url] your life. This extremely rare condition is a combination of large cysts and smaller pustules and papules that grow to be very large. Medical emergencies and natural disasters can be associated quite closely as both effect [url=][/url] your financial status and health. This can prove to be a great way in finding reputed contractors as the [url=][/url] bank employees often know air conditioning repair contractors personally or hear feedback about the contractors.If the web-site maintains exactly the same structure, you might want to develop a web site.

  1778. Regardless of your plumbing expertise, or lack of it, you need some basic knowledge to prepare for the unexpected, and the following article will provide you with just that. You can also benefit from Microsoft Excel to modify a CSV data. Lastly, a clipping machine creates an uniform wool pile at a desired length (usually 12-15 mm).With all the different needs arising for copies and printed papers, its time to see which type of printer would suit your needs.Be aware of the deceiving rates you are presented. For more mainstream purchases, go to Top Shop, Next, Virgin and Dolcis in the Arndale Center and on Market Street, just around the corner from the Northern Quarter. Some people shop online because of variety of options available for each item. Typically, it takes a long time for a person to tan while in these facilities. Boling also says the Seahawks wouldn’t have appeared in Super Bowl XL without the players Ruskell added to the roster, notably Joe Jurevicius, Chuck Darby, Lofa Tatupu and Leroy Hill. [url=][/url] When anyone in the house or the relative [url=][/url] is suffering from [url=][/url] the dementia or the news arrives of someone having dementia then it is important to have some amount of patience at that point of time and to look at the best possible Dementia care services near the area. To avoid breaking or cracking, each piece is like a pebble. They don’t understand how much money they can make using social media. Thus, a person with a low self esteem can be told over and over they are good and positive and they’ve value in the universe.

  1779. Gypsies were exotic, feared and looked down on, but there was an aura of romance about [url=][/url] them that caught the imagination of Europeans in the 1800’s. Now, I know you’ve heard that saying.Giving in to food cravings, that you experience when you’re pregnant, isn’t always a good idea. The social stigma that comes with applying for a loan is misplaced anyway, as it is perfectly natural for people to go through some financial struggles at some point in their lives. Easy instruction is necessary to get the product sales crew in any organization well-versed in this kind of programs. Another highlight is plug-ins that will allow you to backup the WordPress weblog which [url=][/url] is vitally important in case some [url=][/url] thing will go awfully incorrect and you also lose all of your info.Work on outdoor areas, as well. Have people thought you were much younger or older than you actually are? Have they assumed you were less intelligent because of your accent? Have you been labeled because of the way you dress? Have people been surprised to learn something in particular about you? Make a list of some of these assumptions or obstacles that could impede on the interviewer from seeing you as the best candidate. You want to determine the proper amount of products you desire for roof. Marilyn Manson: the bandleader pseudonym mixes two of Americas favorite celebrities: Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson. This tells the search engine robots from indexing certain pages of the web-site. Your chimney can catch fire if not cleaned on a regular basis and gutters and downspouts can become clogged with debris, which can lead to water damage if not addressed. I want to fight you on the side of the road.

  1780. It’s best to get a list of the couple’s available days and [url=][/url] times – won’t be much fun without them!3. One of the most recognizable golf courses in the world are is at Pebble Beach.Volleyball is based more on body techniques than the amount of muscles that a person has, but young people do enjoy looking at flexing muscles that come into being when boys extend their bodies in pursuit of a volleyball that is in their playing area. Brides will have to track expenses every step of the way to ensure that wedding costs do not exceed the budget set for the most important occasion in a person’s life.Kathak is an important classical dance in the [url=][/url] culture of India, and an increasingly world popular theater art form.Here are some tips that you could bear in mind when a problem arises. the Water Cube, was officially unveiled on January 28 and an Olympic test event in the facility will be staged on February 5.In appearance the Italian Greyhound of today should resemble the original [url=][/url] version just in miniature size. In a county where great golf courses abound, homes are luxurious, the scenery is majestic, and your perfect home yet awaits your discovery. Like welding is to metal, splicing creates a bond that is stronger than the rope itself. How can you possibly concentrate with all this mental clutter? I trust that what you’ve read so far has been informative. Based on Wikipedia. Remember your friends you grew up with, the ones you hate now because they could eat anything all day long and they would never gain any weight (you don’t still hate them, do you?)They were like that because genetically they had very fast metabolisms.

  1781. Really feel snug with the load and the length.You will probably find a very good Self Tanning System in your favorite sunless tan salon. The BMW kidney grilles were re-arranged with a wider appearance. This will avoid any confusion and protect you in the even you have problems. [url=][/url] The [url=][/url] best thing in Cal is the people. Rather than take a cough syrup containing codeine, try eating a piece of chocolate. I researched everything I could about the company and the products trying to find any negatives aspects. For those already having a bigger iTunes collection, Netflix, as well as Hulu, it is something that [url=][/url] can be a fantastic additional for your media center. You can also ask for them to provide a suggestion for you. Patrons of charter jets also conserve on costs because you only pay for what you use. The twelve signs generally correlate for you to very poor forecast. Everything can be important. Opened in 1723, the church includes a proud and electrifying history.

  1782. The expertise gained during these programs, usually conducted by industry professionals who know exactly how to instill leadership qualities as well asorganizational developmentprocedures in their potential business candidates. The skill doesn’t come out naturally though. This will tell you that your mechanic really understands what he does, and you are more likely to be satisfied with your service.Pre School Benbrook TXwill schedule each and every month. Calcium is necessary to help build and maintain healthy bones and strong teeth.thevisaexperts.Although there has [url=][/url] been much academic research on the causes and consequences of corporate restructuringfor example, documenting how restructuring affects companies stock [url=][/url] prices much less is known about the practice of restructuring.What did I have to lose? Certainly not more hair. You can select the services of a company that will suit your budget. They would rather love to go shopping in one place in which they could acquire almost all the items they need.Secondly, there is also Sydneys One22 right below 122 Pitt Street, hinting a touch of subtlety to the remarkably good times it delivers. You can also save gas money. They will have experience of which brands are the [url=][/url] best and which ones to avoid.

  1783. They deliver and assemble the bar hire on-site and provide all the equipment [url=][/url] and glassware necessary. Hence, grow plants in a good soil and enjoy the nature. Then the certificates are sent to the specified registered office mentioned in documents. CST as a substitute pediatric occupational therapy, however, will help [url=][/url] relieve stress [url=][/url] on the child’s central nervous system making him or her more enjoyable. Unless you are displaying your shipping containers, the way they look is of little importance compared to how they operate. Regardless of whether or not it turns out to be your fault, you do not want to incriminate yourself. Even the virtually all adept multi-ply will find it difficult to incorporate numerous advertising and marketing techniques without the aid of a dedicated staff. This is why the Japanese are considered bad at public debates.Like many other marketing strategies, the positive effects of social media marketing tend to snowball. The real beauty of a woman reflects her personality, not only the material curlicues and other external facets. You can choose the copies which are made that look similar to the original shirts which are made out of a comfortable materials like polyester. You may find many books in libraries and on the web. Some of these side effects can cause serious health problems in the future.

  1784. So, when your motorbike [url=][/url] key smashes in case of motorcycle keys in San Diego, do not draw out it yourself, but contact for some as dedicated help from automotive locksmith in San Diego. incorporated into the design of his shirt, jacket or suit, which is but fitting for a suit that is made especially for one person and one person alone. It is usually in the shape of a pit or box and has a form of escape for exhaust. Better than I expected. Birthdays, weddings, graduations; all of these give all the right reasons for a group of individuals to come together and celebrate. In their protective eye wear, there are 54 options to choose from. Stocking every possible combination of sizes for mismatched feet would multiply the combinations to be maintained by more than ten times. Utilize quantities in titles, figures or figures. A unique interesting title and picture will get more customers to buy from you. With the help of maternity sexy dresses, any expecting mom can still retain their sexy vibe no matter how far along she is. The real question is do you have what it takes to handle the stress of running a business.There’s a difference between [url=][/url] sharing the option and [url=][/url] spamming it.When it comes to checking noise, people look at the voices that come from outside but little do they know that the home appliances also make lot of noise.

  1785. They also were sceptical at first, but the tried it and can now safely say that they got their 20/20 vision back.Reserve capacity is also a factor you need to be aware of. Choosing from the different spas on the market involves some other items to consider outside of size. In fact, [url=][/url] DHA really started [url=][/url] out as an important component of a drug type designed for diabetics. Using the same example of sales and marketing as above, this list spells out what the “end picture” should look like in relation to these activities, across the business plan time frame. How does one define football? It’s a game that involves two teams with a single ball and two field ends known as goals.ihubsolutions. The signs of tennis elbow include soreness, discomfort, and weakness in the muscles surrounding the forearm. With spring just around the corner, it’s time to invest in the golf clubs and golf accessories that suit your level of play and commitment to the sport. Some utilize techniques such as the Handwriting Without Tears program. You should request for the contractor’s license number and check if it’s still valid or not.1 was 500 apps, and on July 11 2008 with the launch of iPhone 3G it became 800, later with the launch of iPhone 3Gs its app. These include: the Evo 1, Evo 2, and Sport Evolution some of which featured less weight, improved aerodynamics, taller front fender arches (Sport Evolution; to further facilitate 18-inch [url=][/url] (460 mm) wheels in DTM), brake ducting, and more power.

  1786. Discover more of Glenwood’s famous history while you’re in town. The company will arrange an adventure just for you.When looking for a home improvement project that can increase one’s home value with a low investment, homeowners should consider adding New Jersey now. This is why they manufactured the apple tv vpn. These two qualities will help you [url=][/url] reach your long-term goals and become a well-rounded business owner. If you are looking to [url=][/url] grow your business, then you have to focus on this aspect. [url=][/url] When it is time for holiday people would always try to find something to spend their time on. Check out his resting place during your visit. Residing in the same location gets boring after some time and it is natural for one to want to change locations, change the scenery or even shifting the business premises. Indeed, after the tan has set in, you ought to wash off the extra tint in the shower and let the active tan inducing ingredients do the work. Lots of money is expended to this trade as a way to provide a new possibility to control the rate of severe Alopecia, and on the other hand, grow back the dropped hairs. Fitting it is recommended but if this is not an option, consulting a size chart is an alternative.

  1787. Flexible occupancy period offered, from as less as 3 months to 3 years, depending on your needs. College is the place where you decide what to do with your life and open the door to adulthood. Breaks are just as important to your child’s learning and development as the lessons are. These cushions previous lengthier and can be flipped often. Well, by fighting strong case against the charged party one can evolve an outstanding way to punish criminals, so far. So, are you building on your brand? If not, it time to look at your brand with fresh eyes. The blinds are offered at a variety of prices and the variance may be determined by factors such as quality and size along with the dealer where you will obtain the today. These services spotlight on catch the error in verb tense, spelling & punctuation, particularly the ones a spelling check regularly ignore. These themes are found to help anybody that is interested in learning the newest approach [url=][/url] along with film undertaking. The most popular styles and materials are flats, bottoms up high heels, [url=][/url] patent, satin, and sandal thongs. People who drag their foot will wear down [url=][/url] the toe of their shoe long before the rest of the shoe is worn. The Jabra is actually outside sports activities earphones, the sound is much more sharp, and his type of hearing exactly the same.

  1788. It was much slimmer compared to previous variations with fantastic features and high graphic high quality. * Know how Website positioning functions. The riad was and continues to be an significant architectural design which supports the Islamic necessity for women’s privacy within their home gardens. Attempt The Wynn Las Vegas. In order to achieve this, you need to add your business to a lot of online directories. First and foremost, you must get a light and compact bicycle pump, second, a spare tyre and third, a bicycle multi tool. These days finding anything is much simpler than it used to be. The [url=][/url] E12 was the first series to bear the 5 Series name: the ’5′ denoting BMW’s fifth ‘New Class’ platform. To check out our events calendar and get detailed enrollment information, take a look at http://www. Now to be sure that it really is projecting, you’ll want to hear a powerful voice wanting to leap out [url=][/url] of your closed mouth and furthermore, you should feel a buzzing sensation around the lips–and a tingly feeling at the front of your face. These sites allow previous customers to give their ratings for any contractor that they show.Get to know the expected completion dates in advance and ask them what steps they would take if there are any delays in the project. It really is extremely valuable for android [url=][/url] user since it’s not merely supply exciting by means of simple video game but also a demanding a single like Army Sniper or Moto Gp Heat up Beta.

  1789. If you’re feeling specifically imaginative one day, try creating several weblog posts in 1 sitting for use later on. On Juicy Couture luggage, search for the “J” coronary heart form to be all leather-based, producing certain the leather-based is not shiny. Help has been [url=][/url] sent. How about [url=][/url] branded executive pens that will give a funny touch to the office or promotional moleskin cover notebooks ? Check out these business items for more simple ways to surprise & reward your employees. If you wait to long, you may not get into the classes you want. While many couples assume that everything extra bling is going to drastically add to the charging, this is not constantly necessarily consequently.?Don鎶?laugh the stewardess鎶?do this too. This is largely because replacing a mature tub having a clawfoot model will likely involve reconfiguring the present plumbing to adjust to the brand new installation, which might be stop really easy. By this, you can filter the list of legitimate drop shipping firms. These facilities makes people do shopping from anywhere, be it home, office or even travelling. Realizing that you are but a small part of the bigger picture will potentially open your mind to attaining new insights. Adaptunes takes care of this conundrum by automatically adjusting your volume based on speed and motion-based sensors. I’ll just make [url=][/url] this seem like Serta made it happen !The actual misleading guy .

  1790. If you have worked for years developing products or a viable service, with real testimonials and hundreds if not thousands of clients, you are ready. Step out of the systematic droning of society and take control.Getting the best possible clothes suiting the climatic conditions is very much recommended. This needs to be done by someone who has been at your firm for at least a year. Plus, you can find many of the guns that you would have some interest in using, like an M16, Sniper Rifle, or an AK47. Involvement in a car accident does not jeopardize a person’s right to compensation especially if he or she did not cause the problem to happen. A major component of deciding which school to attend will be cost. Yet virtually any skier will tell you it isnt one of many most affordable recreational activities around.Cheap work uniforms do not mean that they will be low quality uniforms. Otherwise the glamorous home you’ve created could end up ankle deep in sewage. Some real estate and land [url=][/url] brokers also collaborated with loan or [url=][/url] finance officers, who can help buyer to get finance for their purchase.Studies have shown that people who conduct a search, on a particular product, business, service or subject, on a search engine never go beyond the first page. Many of [url=][/url] these effects are inbuilt.

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